Problems with your computer can be frustrating, but many common issues have simple solutions. Follow the below tips to ensure your computer continues to run smoothly.
30 juin 2015
Problems with your computer can be frustrating, but many common issues have simple solutions. Follow the below tips to ensure your computer continues to run smoothly.
Act quickly to recover it
It happens to everyone — instead of dragging a file into a folder, you drop it into the bin instead.
Free up some space on the drive
Flash drives are gadgets that allow you to store files temporarily or move them from one computer to another. If your flash drive doesn't respond, here's what to do.
Replace the battery
If your computer tells you it's January 1949 or some other crazy date, it's time to change the battery on the motherboard. Don't be tempted just to live with the incorrect date — all the files you work on will be "stamped" with this wrong information, making them impossible to sort in date order later.
Set it with atomic precision
The clock within your computer is little more than a cheap wristwatch that relies on a quartz crystal to keep time. Its long-term accuracy is usually poor. If you have an Internet connection, it's simple to set your time and date to synchronize with the most accurate atomic clocks in the world.
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